Announcement of the Competitive Exam Results for 8,165 Vacant Teaching and Administrative Positions in the Ministry of Education

The results of the competitive exams for 8,165 teaching and administrative positions (8,086 teaching and 79 administrative) in the Ministry of Education, which were previously conducted, have now been publicly announced in a press conference. The event was attended by deputy ministers, several central directors of the Ministry of Education, and Sheikh Abdul Baqi Haqqani, the Director General of the National Examination Administration, along with media representatives.
At the beginning the Director General of the National Examination Administration provided details about the exam, emphasizing that building a strong and responsive educational system requires the principle of appointing qualified individuals to the right positions. He noted that the selection of academic staff in the Ministry of Education based on merit is a testament to this principle.
Subsequently, Alhaj Mawlawi Abdul Khaliq Sadiq, Deputy Minister for Quality Assurance at the Ministry of Education, welcomed the attendees, guests, and journalists. He described the competitive exam process as successful and stated that the exam was conducted with the collaboration of the National Examination Administration, ensuring full transparency and proper arrangements. He expressed his appreciation for the leadership and officials of the National Examination Administration for their cooperation in this regard.
Additionally, Alhaj Mawlawi Sakhaullah Sayeed, Deputy Minister for Education and Training at the Ministry of Education, elaborated on the subject in his speech, stating that a total of 35,640 candidates had registered for the competition.
Following this, Mufti Habibullah Noori Qatada, Director of Publications and Public Relations at the Ministry of Education, spoke about the importance of transparency and the necessity of the exam. He congratulated the knowledge-loving people of Afghanistan, particularly those who achieved the required scores.
The ceremony concluded with a prayer.