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Announcement of the Competitive Exam Results for 8,165 Vacant Teaching and Administrative Positions in the Ministry of Education
The results of the competitive exams for 8,165 teaching and administrative positions (8,086 teaching and 79 administrative) in the Ministry of Education, which were previously conducted. . .
Closing Ceremony of the Scientific and Professional Seminar for Education Directors of Several Provinces
The four-days scientific and professional seminar on enhancing leadership and management capabilities, organized by the Directorate of Structures of the Ministry of Education for 473. . .
Examination Process of Madrassa Students in Logar Province Reviewed by Acting Minister of Education
Alhaj Mawlawi Habibullah Agha, the Acting Minister of Education, who entered Logar Province to carry out a series of educational activities, met with the head and officials of the. . .
Acting Minister of Education Visits Afghan-Turk Schools in Nangarhar Province
Alhaj Mawlawi Habibullah Agha, Acting Minister of Education, during his official visit to Nangarhar Province, visited the Momin Afghan-Turk Schools along with Mawlawi Mohammad Sharif. . .
The visit of the Acting Minister of Education from Nimroz Province
Alhaj Mawlawi Habibullah Agha, Acting Minister of Education, accompanied by Alhaj Mawlawi Mohammad Awaz Ansari, Director of Education in Helmand Province, traveled to Nimroz Province.. . .
The Acting Minister of Education Meets with the Governor of Nimroz province
Alhaj Mawlawi Habibullah Agha, the Acting Minister of Education, who is currently on an official visit to the southern provinces of the country, met with Sheikh Mohammad Qasem Khalid,. . .
Chinese Ambassador visited the Ministry of Education Science Center
The Chinese Ambassador met with Alhaj Mawlawi Sakhaullah Saeed, Deputy Minister of Education and Training, in a session attended by several directors and officials from the central. . .
The Acting Minister of Education traveled on an official visit to Helmand province
Inauguration of a Madrassa by the Acting Minister of Education in Herat Province
Alhaj Mawlawi Habibullah Agha, the acting Minister of Education, who is on an official trip to assess the educational situation in Herat Province, visited the Zinda Jan district,. . .