The Anti-harassment Implementation policy Plan Report in Ministry of Education

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The Anti-harassment Implementation policy Plan Report in Ministry of Education

The Implementation Plan (Anti-harassment policy in Ministry of Education) was developed by the Gender Unit of MoE in cooperation with the Capacity Building Activity (CBA) Project to finalize the aforementioned Policy Implementation Plan with the participation of a technical team of the Deputy Minister’s offices and directorates for two days at Park Star Hotel.
Mss’FreshtaSadat, ActingHead of the Gender Unit of MoE said that “working on the Implementation Policy Plan is one of the appropriate solutions to coordinate activities and establish coordination between directorates of MoE and central and provincial schools. InThe Implementation of the plan and the achievement of the common goals, The Gender Unit ‘s requirements from the relevant departments was to identify gaps and obstacles in Coordination with the Gender Unit in order to achieve expected results”.
Afterwards, Mss’ KhateraJabarkhel, Gender Manager in theCBAProject, also expressed their readiness to pursue policy goals and shared different formats of implementation plan with Participants which includes the following items.
- Finalizing the duties and responsibilitiesof the members of the Complaints Receiving Committee.
-Finalizing the form of Privacy Policy for the membership of Complaints Receiving Committee.
- Finalizing the Schedule of theimplementation policy plan.
-Providing the Complaint Registration Form.
-Providing theformat of Agreements between Ministry of Education and stockholders’ departments regarding publication and promotion of barriers of anti-harassment messages.
-Providing the format of the estimated budget of the implementation Policy Plan.

After work on formats and making the conclusion of Agenda,the two- days’ work shop was ended.